Ama K Abebrese Calls For Ghana Police To Rescue 12-year-old Married To Nungua Traditional Priest

Ama K Abebrese Calls For Ghana Police To Rescue 12-year-old Married To Nungua Traditional Priest

Ama K Abebrese has called on state authorities to rescue the 12-year-old married to the Nungua traditional priest.

Ghanaian actor and activist Ama K Abebrese is calling on authorities in the country to rescue Naa Okromo, the 12-year-old married to 63-year-old Nungua traditional priest Gborbu Wulomo.

Gborbu Wulomo Nuumo Borketey Laweh Tsuru XXXIII who is 63 has added 12-year-old Naa Okromo to his wives.

Read More: 63-year-old Nungua Traditional Priest Gborbu Wulomo Marries 12-year-old Girl

The marriage ceremony which was okayed by the Nungua Mantse happened on Saturday March 30, 2024.

A section of the public have been triggered this as the little girl isn’t of the age to give content to marriage.

This is what Ama K Abebrese had to say about it;

“63 year old man marries 12 year child and there are people justifying it in the name of tradition. The Nungua chief even endorses it because the child is a virgin. WTF. The Ghana authorities need investigate this and rescue this child. This is sickness.“

Others are calling on DOVVSU to arrest the traditional priest and the parents of the kid.



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