VIDEO: Nungua Chiefs demand from Evangelist Adu 25 fowls ,7 cows, 7 sheep, 7 goats, 7 crates of red eggs over blasphemy

Rulers of the Nungua Traditional Area has slapped Evangelist Prince Adu with severe punishment over his statements against the gods of the land.

The man of God incurred the wrath of the Chiefs with a statement he made on Adom Mmre, a Religious show.

Evangelist Prince Adu said on the show that the Nungua towns have been plagued with witchcraft and that their deity, Ogbee Sango of the Sango Lagoon is responsible for distributing misfortuned, illness and witchcraft to anyone who crosse it.

The Evangelist together with the host and producers of the show were summoned to defend their statement but on reaching there, they begged for forgiveness from the Chiefs.

The apology didn’t stop the Chiefs from finding him guilty.

He is to bring, 7 white cows, 7 goats, 7 sheeps, 7 crates of white and red eggs, 25 white fowls, 7 calicos in colors red, white, blue and black, 7 boxes of schnapps, 7 boxes of castle bridge and a fine of 100,000 cedis.

Read more: Nungua JHS Student In Court For Beating Teacher With Squad Over Homework Punishment

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