Bongo again!! : Shatta Wale is very old but does not have sense- Bongo Ideas fires

Despite his advanced age, Shatta Wale lacks common sense.Bongo Ideas ignites

The controversial blogger and critic Bongo Ideas is back and ready to take aim at everyone who gets in his way. During a recent interview with media personality and YouTuber Kofi Adomah, Bongo Ideas talked about his ongoing conflict with dancehall artist Shatta Wale.

After Bongo Ideas attacked the artist on social media, Shatta Wale allegedly sent him threatening texts.

In response to a query concerning his constant criticism of Shatta Wale, Bongo Ideas stated that he thought the self-described dancehall king acted immaturely.


Bongo Ideas claimed that, in spite of his advanced age, Shatta Wale lacked the sensibility and maturity that one would anticipate from a someone of his caliber.

The host asked Bongo Ideas to rethink his remarks, but he refused, believing that Shatta Wale may be mature physically but psychologically immature.

Read more:Video: Man apprehended for dressing up as a lady in a hookup video

The current dispute between Shatta Wale and Bongo Ideas serves as a reminder of how social media may influence public perception and ignite controversy. It is unclear whether these two will be able to put their disagreements behind them or if their rivalry will simply get worse as long as they are having public altercations.

Watch the video below.


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Fadda Dickson Narh, the managing director of the Despite Media Group, is unintentionally trending on social media right now.

Fada Dickson is seen deeply engaged in a discussion with renowned Ghanaian actress Jacky Appiah in a widely shared video.

Whatever the purpose of letting the videographer record and upload the film was, it was not fulfilled, even though no one knows. Click here to read more

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