Any Man With Daughters And Still Cheats Is Still A Boy – Mr Logic

Any Man With Daughters And Still Cheats Is Still A Boy - Mr Logic

Mr Logic has taken on men who cheat on their partners.

Musician and entertainment pundit Mr Logic has taken on men who are womanizing.

The entertainment pundit who has always spoken against cheating says he doesn’t understand why men cheat especially men with daughters.

In a Facebook post, he said any man with daughters who cheats or womanizes isn’t fit to be called a man because they are boys.

According to Mr Logic, karma will befall all men who cheats.

This sounds like he is wishing daughters of this men end up with womanizers in future.

Read Also: Mr Logic Was Arrogant, MzGee Did Nothing Wrong, They Hate Her Because She Replaced McBrown, Everyone’s Favorite – Kumchacha

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