Mr Logic Was Arrogant, MzGee Did Nothing Wrong, They Hate Her Because She Replaced McBrown, Everyone’s Favorite – Kumchacha

Mr Logic Was Arrogant, MzGee Did Nothing Wrong, They Hate Her Because She Replaced McBrown, Everyone’s Favorite - Kumchacha

Kumchacha has come to the defense of MzGee over the backlash she’s been receiving as a host of United Showbiz.

Prophet Nicolas Osei alias Kumchacha has come to the defense of entertainment pundit MzGee over the backlash she’s been receiving ever since she replaced Nana Ama McBrown as host of United Showbiz.

The backlash reached it peak after a clash with Mr Logic on the show on Saturday night when she told her to wrap up his talks because other pundits are yawning.

Prophet Kumchacha says MzGee did nothing wrong because as a host you need to control your show and stop one person from hijacking it like Mr Logic always do.

Read More: I Will Not Speak On This Show Again – Mr Logic Loses Cool As MzGee Shuts Him Up For Talking Too Much

According to him, Mr Logic always want to speak for a very long time when the show has limited time and every good host manages the time for every pundit to speak.


He added that MzGee telling Mr Logic to wrap it up because they need to close the was nothing wrong but his reaction was rather disrespectful to the show and producer, Fadda Dickson.

Mr Logic told MzGee she should learn on the job and that she isn’t a professional and Kumchacha says this is an indictment oh Fadda Dickson who employed her.

Also she talked about how people are just hating MzGee just because she replaced everyone’s favorite Nana Ama McBrown.

Read Also: When God Ordains, He Sustains – MzGee Reacts To Critics On Her United Showbiz Hosting Style

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