Wife of Hajia4reall’s Alleged Sugar Daddy Gets Him Arrested And Dragged To Court For Domestic Violence

Wife of Hajia4reall’s Alleged Sugar Daddy Gets Him Arrested And Dragged To Court For Domestic Violence

Wife of Hajia4reall’s alleged sugar daddy has dragged him to court over domestic violence.

Joana Quaye, the wife of Hajia4reall’s alleged sugar daddy Richard Quaye has taken him for domestic violence.

Once upon a time during Hajia4reall’s birthday party, businessman Richard Quaye showed up and sprayed dollars on her and that was what sparked rumors of their relationship.

Another rumor popped up when Hajia4reall got arrested in UK and this rumors was sparked by gossip blog marigyata.

That rumor accused Richard Quaye of throwing his wife, Joana Quaye and their children from their house all because of his amorous relationship with Hajia4reall

He even took away her car at the same period he’s bought a house and car for Hajia4reall.

Finally, the wife has dragged him to Accra circuit court 1 for domestic violence.

In the charges from the Accra circuit court dated 21 April 2023, the wife Joana Quaye said they lived under the same roof as married couples at Dansoman for 12 years till about a year ago when the accused threw her out of the house.

The wife says he’s abandoned their 3 children and only send the kids chop money via errand boys.

She told the court since then all their conversations are full of abuses.

Richard Quaye also told the court they were living peacefully till the wife started abusing him with false accusations,

The man says he got fedup so he had to leave the house for another house in East Legon.

He says he lost the East Legon house after defaulting a loan so he had to move back to his matrimonial home at Dansoman.

Since he couldn’t live in same house with his wife he had to relocate her to another house at Mamprobi.

Richard Quaye’s lawyer filed for ‘no case’ for the court to dismiss the case but it wasn’t granted so he has no choice them to defend himself at the next court sitting.

Read More: Owner of a Financial Service asks wife for Divorce as Hajia4real allegedly steals his heart – Blogger Reveals

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