Tracey Boakye Heads To Church For Prayers After God Exposed Her Enemy Disguised As Friend, Diamond Appiah

Tracey Boakye Heads To Church For Prayers After God Exposed Her Enemy Disguised As Friend, Diamond Appiah

Tracey Boakye is headed to church for prayers after her friend Diamond Appiah got exposed for being an enemy.

East Legon land lady Tracey Boakye giving thanks to God for exposing Diamond Appiah to her.

This week, Tracey Boakye got to know that all the similes Diamond Appiah has been smiling to her are beyond fake.

Naana Brown, a gossip partner of Diamond Appiah released series of audios which has her insulting and gossiping about Tracey Boakye, someone she openly calls bestie.

Read More: Naana Brown Drops Secret Recordings Of Diamond Appiah Gossiping About Pooley Tracey Boakye And How Herself & Afia Schwar Outsmarted Her

Many are those waiting on Tracey Boakye to react to the viral audios but she’s kept her cool.

Today she’s posted a video dancing to gospel songs with her caption suggesting she’s going to church to thank God for exposing her friend.

She tagged Prophet Ogyaba and said let’s meet and pray.

Tracey Boakye is probably going to pray for God to expose more enemies who have disguised themselves as friends.

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