Sam George Doesn’t Cheat Not Because He’s Faithful, Girl Just Don’t Like Small PEN Men – Adu Safowaah

Sam George Doesn’t Cheat Not Because He’s Faithful, Girl Just Don’t Like Small PEN Men - Adu Safowaah

Adu Safowaah has jabbed Sam George over claims he doesn’t cheat on his wife.

Socialite Regina Adu Safowaah has jabbed Sam George over claims that he’s been faithful to his wife ever since they married.

Sam George dared any supposed side chick of his to come out because he knows he has no other woman aside his beloved wife.

The fire brand legislator married his wife Mrs Vera George 11 years ago and according to him, he’s never cheated.

Read More: Sam George sings for wife as they renew vows to mark 10-years of marriage

Reacting to Sam George’s comments, Adu Safowaah believes he is faithful not because of principle but because girls don’t like his type of men.

According to the socialite, girls who like big thing under do not like men who look like the Ningo Prampram MP.

She thinks Sam George has a small thing because he is fat.

Read Also: Sam George eulogizes father and mother as they celebrate 45th marriage anniversary

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