Rebecca Akufo Addo is a trophy Wife, Bongo Ideas Was Right – Kevin Taylor Rants

Rebecca Akufo Addo is a trophy Wife, Bongo Ideas Was Right – Kevin Taylor Rants

Foreign-based social media celebrity Kevin Taylor has thrown his support behind Bongo Ideas’ remarks regarding Rebecca Akufo Ado, which resulted in his arrest  a few days ago.

Rebecca Akufo Addo is a trophy wife, according to Kevin Taylor, who further explains in his video that at her age, she ought to have had a child for Ghana’s president, Nana Akufo Ado, because the first lady flaunts herself at ceremonies and other occasions.

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Additionally, Taylor clarified that expressing your opinions about someone’s incapacity to bear children for the President is not a kind of slander, thus Bogo Ideas is not correct in where they stand.

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