Prophet Badu Kobi Paid My $10,000 Hospital Bills – Actor Jagger Pee Reveals

Prophet Badu Kobi Paid My $10,000 Hospital Bills – Actor Jagger Pee Reveals

In an interview with Peace Fm, veteran actor Jagge Pee disclosed that Prophet Emanuel Badu Kobi financed the $10,000 portion of his medical expenses.


Prophet Emmanuel Badu Kobi, the creator and leader of Glorious Wave Ministry, gave renowned actor Abeiku Nyame, well known as Jaga Pee, $10,000 for his surgery.

The performer had cardiomegaly, or enlargement of the heart.

On Wednesday, September 13, the doctors at the Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital received the money where they started the procedure.

TV host Amanda Jissih explained that the pastor raised the funds during church service to assist the actor, and she presented the money on the man of God’s behalf.

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Watch the interview below:

Jagge Pee thanked and complimented Phrophet Badu Kobi in an interview for saving his life at that particular moment.He went on to say that Badu Kobi was the one who inspired him to go to the hospital, where he also prayed for success while taking his prescription and sweet

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