Practice your profession in a Christian style and stop gossiping – Pope Francis to hairdressers

Pope Francis on Monday warned an audience of hairdressers, hairstylists, and beauticians to practice their profession in a Christian style rather than gossiping all day.

According to the Head of the Catholic Church and sovereign of the Vatican City State, should always endeavor to treat their customers with kindness and courtesy.

“Practice your profession in a Christian style, treating customers with kindness and courtesy, offering them a good word and encouragement,” he said.

“And avoid succumbing to the temptation of chatter which is easily associated with your field of work,” he added.

He additionally encouraged individuals to take motivation from the sixteenth-century holy person, Martino de Porres, who was known for trimming hair, phlebotomy, and removals.

”each of you, in your professional work, can always act with righteousness, thus making a positive contribution to the common good of society,” Francis added.


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