Portfolio The Mc Says King Promise Did Not Deserve To Win Artiste Of The Year

Portfolio The Mc Says King Promise Did Not Deserve To Win Artiste Of The Year

Afro dancehall artist Stonebwoy won the coveted Artiste Of The Year accolade in the 24th edition of the prestigious TGMA.

Many have celebrated the dancehall star’s success, including promoter and entertainment influencer Portfolio The Mc, who fervently feels Stonebwoy deserves the honor.

Portfolio The Mc revealed his excitement at Stonebwoy’s victory to YEN media after the ceremony, complimenting Charter House, the award’s organizers, for their thoughtful choice.

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With the number and quantity of work that Stonebwoy completed in the year that was reviewed, he surpassed all other competitors in the field. Work ethic was recognized by Ghana and the TGMA board. That evening’s winners were all deserving. It was undisputed for the highly sought-after Artiste of the Year. He mentioned

With King Promise emerging as the front-runner, the competition for the highest honor was extremely competitive. Many people thought King Promise had a good chance of winning the award because of the global success of his song Terminator. But according to Portfolio The Mc, King Promise made great efforts, but his achievements in the year under evaluation were insufficient to take first place.

You don’t just become a one-hit wonder and claim to be the Artiste of the Year. There is a lot more you need to do. I appreciate the work King Promise did, but it was not enough. Portfolio The Mc emphasized

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