Nigerians Call Out Nana Akua Addo For Giving Credit Of Her Dress To Ghanaian Designer When A Nigerian Designed It

Nigerians Call Out Nana Akua Addo For Giving Credit Of Her Dress To Ghanaian Designer When A Nigerian Designed It

Ghanaian super model Nana Akua Addo stole the show AMVCA with her dress.

Ghanaian super model Nana Akua Addo did her thing again by stealing the show at last weekend’s AMVCA.

The dress she wore has been trending for days and she looked stunning in it as usually.



As the plaudits gets louder, she’s been called out for giving credit of the design to another person and not the real designer.

Nigerians are dragging Nana Akua Addo for not crediting the young Nigerian designer who did the dress.

In a thread on X, a Nigerian tweep had this to same;





Let me gist you all what happened

Nana Aqua Do who is in the image below contacted an upcoming Nigerian designer ( ezinne ) to make this dress for her, ezinne worked hard for this dress and made it from scratch.

The structure was ordered from China and she did justice to it. After the dress was completed Nana asked Ezinne to choose between a tag and a payment, the upcoming designer begged her to support her because she had spent so much on the design, and she had help from some other Designers which she must pay too, and that was the first AMVCA dress she had ever made. Nana finally gave her 400k with some balance left to be paid.

Surprisingly when Nana posted that outfit on her page she gave credit to another designer from Ghana (yolikomson). Yolikomson took the whole credit and was even parading herself as the creator of the dress, and was posting fake evidence on her page to prove that she was the designer of the dress.

Not acknowledging Ezinne as the designer of that beautiful dress is fine by me but giving credit to someone else is devilish.



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