McBrown dumps UTV for TV3 after they groomed her and landed her ambassadorial deals

McBrown dumps UTV for TV3 after they groomed her and landed her ambassadorial deals

McBrown has dumped UTV for TV3 in a shocking move.

Actress and television presenter Nana Ama McBrown has dumped UTV for TV3 in a move no one expected.

The actress who has been the face of the United Showbiz show when it started has finally called it a quit according to reports.

Blogger Aba The Great says she’s left for TV3  with MzGee taking over from her at United Showbiz.

Aba The Great in her report said Utv groom Nana Ama McBrown in the television presenting thing which got her many ambassadorial deals.

Read More: McBrown, Mr Logic, Fadda Dickson, Aplus convicted for contempt of court in Chairman Wontumi Vs Afia Schwar defamation case

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