Mahama 24-Hour Economy Policy Is Bad, It Will Prevent Witches From Flying In The Night – Lawyer Maurice Ampaw

Mahama 24-Hour Economy Policy Is Bad, It Will Prevent Witches From Flying In The Night - Lawyer Maurice Ampaw

Lawyer Maurice Ampaw has called on witches to rise against John Mahama over his 24 hour economy policy.

Pro NPP legal practitioner, Lawyer Maurice Ampaw has called on witches and spiritualists in Ghana to rise against NDC Presidential candidate John Mahama over his 24 hour economy policy.

The opposition leader sparked debate in the political space with a promise to implement a 24 economy policy when voted into power.

Joining the nay sayers is Lawyer Maurice Ampaw and his opposition to the policy is so weird.

Speaking on Wontumi TV, the lawyer said John Mahama wants to destroy the work of witches and spiritualists in the country because he knows these people operate in the night.



According to him, witches and spiritz operate in the night when everyone is asleep so if John Mahama coles with his 24 hour economy policy, they can’t operate because people will be up and working in the night.

He has urged witches and spiritualists to rise up against John Mahama now.

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