I Saw The Whole Ghana Was Dark, All Networks Shut Down – Prophet Boahen

I Saw The Whole Ghana Was Dark, All Networks Shut Down – Prophet Boahen

Prophet Eric Boahen made a prophecy during His 31st watch night session, which went viral and stunned a lot of Ghanaians. He said that Ghana will have network problems, such as internet services not working, phone calls cutting off, and other concerns.

His statements were as follows: “I Saw The Whole Ghana Was Very Dark, All Networks Shut Down Even Phones This 2024 – Prophet Eric Boahen” .

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During the next Charter of the Cross of the Cross Over service at Reign House Chapel, Prophet Eric gave a prophecy for 2024.

Three months after the prophecy was made, Ghanaian networks have experienced problems with unstable internet services, which has brought the prophecy to pass in just three months.

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