Home Made Dog Food


Veterinarians recommend feeding a dog at least twice per day. Dogs with medical issues or dietary needs may require specialized feeding schedules or restrictions on what they eat.

This can be very expensive of the food are to be bought at all the times the dogs are to be fed. Some dog owners are learning how to prepare their own dog food at home to minimize cost and also factor in the specific nutritional requirement of the dog.

Dogs serve as both pet and security in many homes.

Image Credit: www.akc.org

Home Made Dog Food

  1. Before you begin, it’s best if you have ready a food scale, food processor, pots and pans, and containers or bags for portioning the food.
  2. Purchase fresh, high-quality ingredients that are not canned, seasoned, or heavily processed.
  3. Set yourself up in a clean area of the kitchen that is free of foods that may be harmful to your dog.
  4. Measure out the ingredients. Use a food scale if possible for accuracy.
  5. Cook ingredients as directed on the recipe
  6. Mix food and supplements together well (ideally, use a food processor to blend ingredients).
  7. Place food in containers and store in the refrigerator or freezer.
  8. In general, refrigerated food will stay fresh for three to four days. Frozen dog food is best within about two months. Avoid feeding homemade dog food that has been in the freezer for more than six months.

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