Girlfriend of Thomas Partey who accused him of rΔpe has publicly dropped fresh evidence to nail him

Girlfriend of Thomas Partey who accused him of rΔpe had dropped evidence to back her claims.

Sarabella, the girlfriend of Thomas Partey who accused him of rΔpe has publicly dropped her evidence.

Currently out on bail, Thomas Partey has had his image soiled by the evidence dropped by Sarabella on social media.

The lady has subjected the Arsenal midfielder to the court of public opinion by coming out on Twitter to make her accusations public.

Above is the post of the lady which includes screenshots of her chats with Thomas Partey aftermath of the alleged rΔpe incident.

Sarabella has been subjected to Twitter crossing examination and she is dropping more photos and videos to answer the doubting Thomases.

Read More: Heavy security around Thomas Partey alone as Arsenal arrives in USA for pre-season tour

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