Fella Makafui Petitions Ghana Police Service On How Medikal Has Put Her Life In Danger With False Publication

Fella Makafui Petitions Ghana Police Service On How Medikal Has Put Her Life In Danger With False Publication

Fella Makafui has petitioned the Ghana Police Service over the actions of Medikal, her ex husband.

Actress Fella Makafui has written a petitioned the Ghana Police Service to accuse her ex husband of putting her life in danger with false publication.

In a letter directed to the Director General Of The Ghana Police Service she said what Medikal has been publishing about her in recent weeks has placed her life in danger.

This is what Fella Makafui wrote;



The Director General Ghana Police Service Accra, Ghana

4th April, 2024

Dear Director General,


I, Precious Fella Makafui a Ghanaian citizen write to formally petition the Ghana Police Service to urgently investigate the publication of false news, which is in violation of Section 208 of the Criminal Code of 1960, Act 29. The publications made by Mr. Samuel Adu Frimpong, a musician popularly known as MEDIKAL, have put my life in imminent danger.

I am a well-known public figure in Ghana, recognized for my work as an actress, brand ambassador, and entrepreneur. My most notable role was portraying ‘Serwaa’ in the popular YOLO television series. I have been married to Mr. Samuel Adu Frimpong since March 7, 2020. However, we decided to divorce in January 2024 and have not communicated with each other since then. Despite this, we have agreed to co-parent our daughter. We jointly contributed to the finances for our house in East Legon Hills, where we currently reside. Recently, he has been spending most of his time away from the house since our decision to divorce.

Mr. Samuel Adu Frimpong not only falsely claimed on social media that his life is in danger and attributed any potential harm to the residents of his house, but he has also made subsequent publications that cast serious innuendos about my personality.

As a well-known female actress and public figure in Ghana, I am now facing severe threats to my life due to these false claims made by Mr. Samuel Adu Frimpong.

Mr. Samuel Adu Frimpong’s false publications not only falsely claimed on social media that his life is in danger and attributed any potential harm to the residents of his house but have also violated the Electronic Communications Act 2008 (Act 775).

Specifically, his actions contravene Section 76 (1) and Section 76 (2) of the Electronic Communications Act 2008, which prohibit a person who by means of electronic communications knowingly sends communication which is false or misleading and

likely to prejudice the efficiency of life saving services or to endanger the safety of any person commits an offence.

These publications by Mr. Samuel Adu Frimpong have a significant tendency to incite harm towards me, as I am easily identifiable and can be targeted by his numerous fans. I vehemently deny any involvement in the accusations made against me and am deeply concerned for my safety and well-being.

1, Precious Fella Makafui, urgently request the Ghana Police Service to intervene and invite Mr. Samuel Adu Frimpong to assist in the investigation of these false publications. His actions have not only endangered my life but have also caused significant distress and harm to my reputation.

I urge the Ghana Police Service to take immediate and decisive action to address this grave situation and ensure the protection of my life and rights as a citizen of Ghana.

Please find attached exhibits on the various publication of false news.

Read More: F0olish Man, If You’re A Man Do Something” – Medikal Narrates What Fella Makafui’s Cousin Did To Him

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