Don’t pay bride price if you are not the one who devirginized your partner”- Lawyer advises men

Don’t pay bride price if you are not the one who devirginized your partner”-  Lawyer advises men

Ebikebuna Aluzu, a Nigerian lawyer, has stated that he thinks only men who are “defeated and inferior” pay bride prices or marry women they did not disvirgate.

He said in a Facebook post that marrying a non-virgin lady or paying the bride price amounts to an admission of inadequacy, especially to other men who have already dated her.

Men are effectively paying for something that other men got for free, he claimed, underscoring a feeling of inadequacy and a lack of options when it comes to mating and procreating.

Marrying a non-virgin lady, according to Aluzu, means that you are settling for something that previous men did not think was worth paying for.

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He made the point that excuses or arguments cannot change the fact that the man is essentially taking what is left over from another man.

He pointed out that even if one tried to claim that a wife is more than just her virginity, she would still have given those other attributes away for free to other partners.

Aluzu concluded by advising men to value themselves and not depend on the experiences of others.

He asked them not to claim a lady who has dated other guys as their own since it ultimately reflects a feeling of worthlessness and failure.

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