Agradaa In Coma As She Slips At Her Bathroom Like Herbalist Dr Grace Boadu

Agradaa In Coma As She Slips At Her Bathroom Like Herbalist Dr Grace Boadu

Agradaa has recounted how she almost suffered same fate as Dr Grace Boadu.

Evangelist Mama Pat Agradaa has shared a story on how she went into coma for about a week.

Preaching in church over the weekend, she used the demise of Dr Grace Boadu to relate to her story and how her husband saved her.

According to Agradaa, just like Dr Grace Boadu, she slipped in her bathroom and went into coma.

Unlike Dr Grace Boadu who had no husband in the house, she had her husband Angel Asiamah who took her to the hospital.

About a week at the University of Ghana Medical Center, she regained her health.

Read More:.Yes, I Nearly D!ed, I Was In Coma For 7 Days – Agradaa Returns, Addresses Stroke & Failed Liposuction Story

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