Abena Korkor charges Criss Waddle of fraud and delves further into the alleged methods of the AMG boss’s financial gain.

Abena Korkor charges Criss Waddle of fraud and delves further into the alleged methods of the AMG boss’s financial gain.


A popular Twitter feud between Abena Korkor and Criss Waddle began when the mental health advocate said that the artist enjoyed bushy Vs.

According to Korkor’s assertion in a post that she wrote on the microblogging site, Criss Waddle enjoyed it when she kept her V bushy during their courtship.

Criss Waddle took to Twitter to vent her annoyance with Abena Korkor’s habit of implying that they’ve had an intimate moment everytime she goes through an episode.

Abena Korkor has retaliated against Criss Waddle by claiming that he is interested in fraud once more.

Abena Korkor claims that Criss’ fortune came from learning how to commit fraud.


Abena Korkor claimed that she missed the “heavy natural goods” that were tucked between the thighs of the rapper and music mogul.

She stated in the video that she will stop at nothing to obtain more of the precise kind of gbola that Criss Waddle possesses.

In April of this year, Abena Korkor has once more said that the AMG CEO prefers it when the V is bushy.

The mental health advocate claims that when she was dating Criss Waddle, she purposefully kept her V bushy because that’s how he wanted it.


Abena Korkor then shared two photos of herself, one in her bikini and the other revealing her entire body in its raw form, including her voluptuous V.

Criss Waddle is one of the numerous powerful men that Abena Korkor has admitted to sleeping with.

Remarkably, the rapper has never responded to the serious allegations that seem to support Abena Korkor‘s assertions.


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