A Big Celebrity Like Me Can’t Work As Cleaner Abroad – Jobless Big Akwes Tells Wife

A Big Celebrity Like Me Can’t Work As Cleaner Abroad - Jobless Big Akwes Tells Wife

The marriage between Big Akwes and her German base wife is facing challenges over ego issues.

Barely a year after Big Akwes married his German based wife, the marriage is facing challenges.

Through the wife, the actor moved from Ghana to Germany but things haven’t been rosy for him.

The actor often comes on TikTok to play sorrowful songs whiles crying which sends a picture that he is not enjoying the marriage.

His crying antics make people believe the wife is ia maltreating him abroad but this isn’t the case according to her.

According to the wife, Big Akwes thought living abroad was easy and didn’t know going to holidays there is very different from living and working there.

The wife has warned him to quit disgracing her with his sorrowful TikTok videos else she will be forced to expose him.

She says she’s found a couple of jobs for him abroad but the actor is reluctant to accept the hint offers because he sees himself a star.

The wife says Big Akwes sees himself a big celebrity and wouldn’t want to work as a cleaner abroad.

Read Also: Big Akwes’s wife sends strong warning to him to stop crying on TikTok else she will expose him 

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