
STRANGE: Check this before you buy ‘Waakye’ again

We all love to eat waakye.Interestingly, although waakye can be prepared at home, most lovers of this nutritious Ghanaian dish, prefer the waakye sold by vendors, mostly by the roadside.

No one knows why but they have a little secret as to why their waakye tastes different from the one cooked at home.

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“Aside from being nutritious, because of the ingredients used in the preparation, I also enjoy it very much if the stew and shito complementing it is very delicious.


I buy my waakye at this special place at Abeka Lapaz,”

There is this flavour, especially when it is packed in the leaves and that is what makes me love the food”.

I really enjoy waakye, especially, during the mid-afternoons, with all the complement except for the gari”

However there is this one thing you need to check before buying waakye next time.

Check how the seller collects her money from the client. If she collects the money with her right hand or changes the money with the right hand and use the same hand to serve the next customer then you should be careful.

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Aside transferring infection you are at serious risk of food poisoning that’s why you should check how your waakye seller keeps her money

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